Payment methods
1. Bank deposit
For those customers who do not have a credit or debit card, our company provides the possibility to order the products they want by PHONE and pay for their order by bank deposit.
2. Credit card – debit card
Using a credit card is a flexible and secure way to pay for your online purchases. The online store accepts all Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Diners credit cards or corresponding debit and prepaid cards.
During the process of paying for the products with your card, you are automatically transferred to a secure and protected transaction environment of Piraeus Bank, where you will be asked for information necessary to complete your electronic transaction, such as the number and expiry date, the name as it appears in it as well as the three-digit number Card Verification Value (CVV) for Visa cards, Card Verification Code (CVC) for MasterCard cards and Card Identification Number (CID) for American Express cards, which is written on the back of each card . The SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol for secure online commercial transactions is used throughout your transaction with our company's online store, thus ensuring the quality and reliability of data exchange in a secure and protected transaction environment.
Shipping methods
Daily shipments throughout Greece.
The deliveries of are made with partner transport companies.
Shipping costs are calculated upon purchase of the products depending on the shipping area.